Tuesday, February 24, 2004

blunck.info: "What is ieHTTPHeaders?
ieHTTPHeaders is an explorer bar for Internet Explorer that will show you the HTTP Headers IE are sending and receiving.

It runs on Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP (if anybody tries it on Longhorn, let me know the outcome :o)) For an explanation on how I've built this, please go to this page... "

Errug handig!!
Python Imaging Library (PIL):

Python Imaging Library

The Python Imaging Library (PIL) adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. This library supports many file formats, and provides powerful image processing and graphics capabilities.

Status:The current free version is PIL 1.1.4, which has been tested with Python 1.5.2 and newer, including 2.2 and 2.3.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Onhoud dit, om makkelijk alleen de unieke waarden uit een list te houden.

def uniq(alist) # Fastest order preserving
set = {}
return [set.setdefault(e,e) for e in alist if e not in set]

def uniq(alist) # Fastest without order preserving
set = {}
map(set.__setitem__, alist, [])
return set.keys()

source: ActiveState python cookbook
Hansje's laboratory:

My personal projects. Large ones and small ones... Currently, all of it is open source (or free software... I'm still experimenting with licenses). All of it is under development. All of it is in Python. (One day you might find something here that is written in a different language... but don't hold your breath. ;-)

Wax- wxpython simpeler, Google In-Depth - parse results van google, ...

Hansje's laboratory:

My personal projects. Large ones and small ones... Currently, all of it is open source (or free software... I'm still experimenting with licenses). All of it is under development. All of it is in Python. (One day you might find something here that is written in a different language... but don't hold your breath. ;-)

Wax- wxpython simpeler, Google In-Depth - parse results van google, ...


My personal projects. Large ones and small ones... Currently, all of it is open source (or free software... I'm still experimenting with licenses). All of it is under development. All of it is in Python. (One day you might find something here that is written in a different language... but don't hold your breath. ;-)

Wax- wxpython simpeler, Google In-Depth - parse results van google, ...

the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern

the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern explained.

Monday, February 16, 2004

crazy-compilers: decompyle -- A Python byte-code reverter: "'decompyle' converts Python byte-code back into equivalent Python source. It accepts byte-code from any Python version starting with 1.5 up to 2.2.1
The generated source is very readable: docstrings, lists, tuples and hashes get pretty-printed. 'decompyle' may also verify the equivalence of the generated source by compiling it and comparing both byte-codes.
'decompyle' is based on John Aycock's generic small languages compiler 'spark' and his prior work on decompyle."
RBTree.py -- Red/Black Trees Module: "RBTree.py defines a class, RBDict, which creates dictionary-like objects implemented using a Red/Black tree (a form of balanced binary tree).
Red/Black trees, I'm told, remain 'nearly' balanced, and evidently the algorithm is somehow inferior to the AVL tree. However, Red/Black trees have similar performance and the algorithm is much simpler IMHO. "
FreeMind - free mind mapping software: "FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. We are proud that the operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of Mind Manager because of one-click 'fold / unfold' and 'follow link' operations.
So you want to write a completely new metaphysics? Why don't you use FreeMind? You have a tool at hand that remarkably resembles the tray slips of Robert Pirsig, described in his sequel to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance called Lila. Do you want to refactor your essays in a similar way you would refactor software? Or do you want to keep personal knowledge base, which is easy to manage? Why don't you try FreeMind? Do you want to priorize, know where you are, where you've been and where you are heading, as Stephen Covey would advise you? Have you tried FreeMind to keep track of all the things that are needed for that? "

A new beta release just went out. See the SourceForge project page for the latest download (including new freatures, not even described on the site! - at this time of writing :]] )

OpenOffice.org XML Essentials: "OpenOffice.org XML Essentials
OpenOffice.org XML Essentials�Using OpenOffice.org�s XML Data Format is a book in progress written by J. David Eisenberg for O�Reilly & Associates and submitted to an open review process. The content is currently licensed under a Creative Commons License. The result of this work will be freely available on the World Wide Web under the Free Software Foundation�s GNU Free Documentation License. "

You may:

  • Read the book online
  • Download the HTML files (28 Jan 2004)
  • Download example files (28 Jan 2004)

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Python Plumber's Helpers: "Logger.py: This module provides a convenient file-like object (writing only) which dates output lines automatically.
There is also a public function, logtime(), which returns the current date in the format used by the LogFile class. "

import sys
from Logger import LogFile
sys.stderr = LogFile(open("example.log", "a"))

"NWayOutput: This module implements a class, NWayOutput, which must be instantiated with one or more file-like objects (capable of write). The file-like objects may be given as a tuple, list, or as multiple arguments. "

import sys
from NWayOutput import NWayOutput
sys.stderr = NWayOutput(sys.stderr, open("logfile.txt", "w"))
ai.planet: "AI.Planet is a virtual world for artificial intelligence. The environment has water, land, suns, moons, and atmosphere. Plants, animals, fish, and insects can be added to create a dynamic ecosystem. Clouds, rain, wind, lightning, rivers, and icebergs naturally arise from the sun and other influences. You can explore your planet from outer space, by walking around, by tracking creatures, or by controlling a robot that interacts with objects. Artificial Planet is an OpenSource project built with Delphi and GLScene."

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Jesse's Bookmarklets Site: "BookmarkletsBookmarklets are free tools to help with repetitive or otherwise impossible tasks in your web browser. To use a bookmarklet from this site on another web page:"

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

ATnotes: "ATnotes New version 9.3 (07-Mar-2003)

ATnotes is gratuitous, serves to generate small notes in the writing-desk of the Windows. The menu will be located in the bar of tasks, which is formed according to the language that you arrange.

You are accepting the use and GRATUITOUS distribution of ATnotes, and she is committed NOT to commercialize this product. When doing use of ATnotes you are assuming the risk and person in charge by any damage becomes that could undergo its system. Certainty is left that until the moment has not reported any disadvantage :-)"

Hele leuke cursors.
Hier zitten een paar hele mooie bij.
hoopajoo.net: Project Info: soffice2html: "soffice2html

Converts a staroffice/openoffice.org document to HTML, using xsltproc for the xml conversion and ImageMagick's convert to convert images. Also create a table of contents with links, handles tables, styles, spans, and many other xml elements from a writer file. Useful to convert documents in a batch manner, including in a web or CGI environment. "
freshmeat.net: Project details for grepmail: "grepmail 5.23 (Default)


grepmail searches a normal or compressed mailbox (gzip, bzip2, or tzip) for a given regular expression and returns those emails that match the query. It also supports searches constrained by date and size.
Release focus: Major bugfixes


This release updates the test cases to run under Windows, fixes an incorrect output issue for emails without bodies, fixes filename output for situations where input comes from standard input, and adds a flag to match word boundaries.

Author:David Coppit

freshmeat.net: Project details for SandSurfer: "SandSurfer 1.7.0 (Stable)
by James A. Pattie - Saturday, August 4th 2001 14:15 PST Section: Software

SandSurfer is a Web-based Perl CGI application for time tracking. It supports employee time sheet entry, auto clock in and auto clock out, gross wage calculations for each employee in a given time period, and export of data to a file. It also supports billing rates per client per job.
Release focus: Major security fixes
A security problem with user authentication has been fixed. A few screens have been cleaned up. Email notification of activity has been improved.
James A. Pattie"
freshmeat.net: Project details for pyXLWriter: "pyXLWriter 0.3a1 (Default)
by Evgeny Filatov - Monday, February 2nd 2004 00:12 PST Section: Software

pyXLWriter is a Python library for generating Excel spreadsheets. It's a port of John McNamara's Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Perl module. It allows the developer to write Excel spreadsheets without the need for COM objects.
Release focus: Minor feature enhancements
This release corrects Worksheet.py and Formula.py for non-i386 platforms (tested on Mac OS X), ports OLE::Storage_Lite 0.11 for writing big files, and adds WorkbookBig functionality to Workbook.
Evgeny Filatov"
Knoppix 3.3 Update, 3.4 C't Edition Are Out

hkfczrqj writes "Knoppix has two more children. The first, 3.3-2004-02-09, an update with kernel 2.4-24-xfs, KDE 3.1.5, Mozilla 1.6, XFree 3.4. Also, and more important I guess, Knoppix 3.4 c't edition is out (torrent here). It is supposed to have kernel 2.6!" And it does. If you're looking for a way to test your setup with a 2.6 kernel without trashing a current install, this is a good way -- but note that the ct edition Knoppix boots into German (Shift-0 gets you an =, as in "lang=us") and kernel 2.4; you'll need to type "knoppix26" at startup to boot the new kernel. (You may find the excellent forums at knoppix.net helpful, too.) Update: 02/10 01:03 GMT by T: Note that the XFree version is really 4.3, not 3.4.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

SP Assen: "Ze bezuinigden op de sociale zekerheid
...ik zei niets, ik had werk
Ze bezuinigden op fysio-therapie, medicijnen en taxivervoer
...ik zei niets, ik was gezond
Ze bezuinigden op de huursubsidie
...ik zei niets, ik had een huis gekocht
Ze bezuinigden op de zorg in tehuizen, op de thuiszorg
...ik zei niets, ik was jong
En toen...
kreeg ik een ongeluk, verloor mijn baan, werd ik ziek, werd ik oud."
Cultureel kwartier. . . IE WIE ? WAAI WEG: "Cultureel kwartier. . . IE WIE ? WAAI WEG

Het college heeft grote moeite met het realiseren van het Cultureel Kwartier.
Het nieuwe theater zal geen problemen opleveren, maar voor de rest van het Cultureel Kwartier (t.o. Weierspoort tot aan de Alteveerstraat) is men al jaren op zoek naar deelnemende marktpartijen. "
Asser burgemeester vindt weigeren aan meewerken asielzoekersuitzetting 'onbehoorlijk gedrag': "Asser burgemeester vindt weigeren aan meewerken asielzoekersuitzetting 'onbehoorlijk gedrag'

Bestuurlijk Assen lijdt aan gebrek aan daadkracht en solidariteit - Het lijkt dat deze conclusie wel getrokken mag worden nadat de raad niet instemde met de door B&W afgeraden SP motie. Het schijnt dat de Assense bestuurders verwachten dat een briefje naar Den Haag voldoende zal zijn voor het garanderen van huisvesting van ongeveer 20 Assense uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers.
B&W en de gemeenteraad laten hiermee duidelijk zien wat zij onder solidariteit en daadkracht verstaan. "