Thursday, July 29, 2004

Antiword: a free MS Word document reader

Antiword: a free MS Word document reader: "Antiword is a free MS Word reader for Linux and RISC OS. There are ports to FreeBSD, BeOS, OS/2, Mac OS X, Amiga, VMS, NetWare, Plan9, EPOC, Zaurus PDA and DOS. Antiword converts the binary files from Word 2, 6, 7, 97, 2000 and 2002 to plain text and to PostScript TM . "

Windows version of Antiword 0.35(14 nov 2003), with executable

AsciiDoc User Guide

AsciiDoc User Guide: "AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages. AsciiDoc files can be translated to HTML (with or without stylesheets), DocBook and LinuxDoc markup using the asciidoc(1) command. AsciiDoc is highly configurable: both the AsciiDoc source file syntax and the backend output markups (which can be almost any type of SGML/XML markup) can be customized and extended by the user. "


DocIndexer: "by Stuart Rackham

v0.6.1.3 2003-10-27
DocIndexer is a toolkit for indexing and searching document directories. DocIndexer includes command-line utilities, Python file index and search classes plus a Win32 COM server (for scripting from languages such as Visual Basic) which can be used to integrate indexing and searching into application software. The current version has built-in support for Microsoft Word, HTML, RTF, PDF and plain text documents. "

Cognitium: AnswerMap

Cognitium: AnswerMap: "AnswerMap navigates mountains of information, and transports you straight to the answer in just seconds.
It�s a radically enhanced PC information management tool, accelerating the location of information, and delivering you directly to the passages in your documents or e-mail where answers are found.
Imagine total recall of every piece of information on your computer. Break free from murky memories of filing hierarchies and forgotten naming conventions.
AnswerMap simultaneously searches the files, folders, and e-mail on your PC you�ve selected. Then it displays all the answers, showing you a few sentences from the text of each ranked in descending order of relevance to your question, all within seconds. "

Python with ASP

Python with ASP: "Introduction
ASP is a Microsoft technology which allows to embed scripting languages into HTML pages. The scripting language is not fixed - besides JavaScript and VBScript, other enabled languages like Perl and Python can be hosted by the scripting language.
ASP pages look and behave like HTML pages, but they usually have embedded special tags which change their behavior, produce generated HTML ouput, read from databases and more. The HTML preprocessor (MS Internet Information Server) scans an ASP page for special commands between '<%' and '%>' tags and performs according actions."

Untitled Document

Untitled Document: "Ransacker is a scriptable, incrementally-double-indexed search engine written in python.
It's scriptable in that you can index any text with any key. This makes it easy to index content ('pages') stored in databases, file systems, the web, etc.
It can index incrementally. This means you can add content or update the entry for a particular page without touching the rest of the index.
It's double-indexed, meaning that not only does every word have a list of pages, every page has a list of words. This is used for the incremental indexer, but also allows you to determine which pages have the most in common. This will allow ransacker to produce 'what's related' pages.
Currently, ransacker ranks pages by number of times keywords appear. It does not yet support boolean queries, fuzzy matches, or other advanced searching features."

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Playing in Roundup - RoundupAsWiki

Playing in Roundup - RoundupAsWiki: "Roundup's finally getting its long-awaited configuration / tracker home reorganisation. Thanks to alexander smishlajev (who's also responsible for getting i18n going, finally) we've got a really nice new configuration management setup. I've been spurred into action, and have implemented the '' cleanup (dbinit is dead! woo!) and removal of the '' nastiness.
To test the latter, I've implemented a couple of examples for the Roundup Wiki. One of them is the download of all messages for an issue in the mbox format. The other is a Wiki in Roundup.
The upshot of all these changes to the tracker home is that we no longer (ab)use Python's import machinery to load trackers. That was a hack that lasted way too long."

Calculating electromagnetic waves in accelerator cavities using Python

Calculating electromagnetic waves in accelerator cavities using Python: "

PySparse extends the Python interpreter by a set of sparse matrix types holding double precision values.
PySparse also includes modules that implement

  • iterative methods for solving linear systems of equations
  • a set of standard preconditioners
  • an interface to a direct solver for sparse linear systems of equations (SuperLU)
  • a Jacobi-Davidson eigenvalue solver for the symmetric, generalised matrix eigenvalue problem (JDSYM)

    All these modules are implemented as C extension modules for maximum performance.

    PySparse uses Numerical Python (NumPy) for handling dense vectors and matrices and makes use of SuperLU for factorising sparse matrices."

Friday, July 23, 2004

Python Programming Language - 450 of the best sites selected by humans

Python Programming Language - 450 of the best sites selected by humans: "Python Programming Language
CBEL >> Computer technology ( 450 links, last update: 28 June 2004 )"

Impressive list!!!

Computer Cops - Proxomitron Naoko 4.4 Help

Proxomitron Naoko 4.4 Help
Here's a partial list of what the Proxomitron can do "out of the box"
(not that it was ever in a box mind you)

  • Stop windows that pop-up, pop-under, or pop-over
  • Stop those un-closable endless banner chains
  • Stop pop-up JavaScript message boxes
  • Remove web-branding and other scripts tacked on by "free" web providers.
  • Convert most ads and banner pictures into simple text links
  • Freeze all animated gifs
  • Make blinking text appear as bold instead
  • Remove slow web counters
  • Stop web pages from "auto-refreshing"
  • Prevent pages from changing fonts
  • Get rid of or replace web page background images
  • Protect against getting "trapped" inside someone else's frames!
  • Make all frames resizable
  • Close top or bottom frame banner windows
  • Protect against getting "trapped" inside someone else's frames!
  • Make background MIDI songs play only when you choose.
  • Remove status bar scroll-texts
  • Remove "dynamic" HTML from pages
  • Disguise your browser's identity and version from JavaScripts
  • Remove style sheets
  • Un-hide URLs when the mouse is over a link
  • Disable frames or tables altogether
  • Change or delete cookies
  • Change your browser's user-agent and other identifying fields
  • Hide where you've been previously from inquisitive web servers


Features: "stable
open source (LGPL)
based on UML 1.4 metamodel
saves/exports diagram to SVG, JPEG and WMF
reads/writes INTERLIS 2
writes XML-Schema
english, german and french user interface and documentation
can read model incl. diagrams from Rational Rose XMI
plugin interface "

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Toetsenbord drama's?

Aanhalingstekens. Problemen met aanhalingstekens: Het kan na het formateren van de PC gebeuren (gebeurd vooral in Windows '98) dat de aanhalingstekens (" ') niet meer zijn te gebruiken als voorheen. Bij de eerste aanslag gebeurt er niets en bij de teweede aanslag is het dubbel te zien. Klik op Start/Instellingen/Configuratiescherm, dubbelklik op het pictogram Toetsenbord. Selecteer het tabblad Taal. Zet een vinkje bij Nederlands (standaard) - Verenigde Staten (internationaal) ("Geinstalleerde toetsenbordtalen en -indelingen"). Klik op de knop Eigenschappenen kies als toetsenbordindeling Verenigde Staten 101 en klik op OK. Misshien heb je de W'98 -CD nodig.

A quick guide to using pso

Introduction:We developed pso for the following reasons:

We wanted to develop web systems that would work as cgi and mod_python request handlers on apache or nsapi handlers on netscape without thinking about httpd implementation details. To do this pso includes the class SerivceRequest that is a bridge between the server and any code we develop. This bridge also gives us a consistent and easy interface with the server and the client.
We needed a fast and easy to use parser to extract sgml ( that includes html and xml) tags and replace them with the result of a rendered object. We also wanted to parse the templates only once and render the object tree as we needed. The pso parser if fast and simple, returning a object tree that is easily rendered or processed by a visitor pattern.
We wanted to be able to just add a new tag to a template and drop in the relevant classes without changing the application code. Every tag represents an object whose class can be sub classed. You only need to place the new class in the python import path for it to be recognized and used by the parser.
We found that it was only trivial systems that did not need session handling. When you use pso, session handling is available by default.
We wanted lots of useful methods to handle redirection, setting cookies, targets, status, also methods to handle file uploads, and other form handling, and url coding. pso offers these. We are programmers, so pso has been kept simple and basic. The template system offers no built in tags, you have to build your own or subclasses those contributed, by ourselves or other users. We decided on this spartan approach on the basis that by keeping pso simple and light it would be easier to maintain and keep error free. Who uses pso ? Well let us say the biggest stock market uses pso on the floor and in the back offices for there most used and important internet trading service. So will pso be maintained ? They will!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

The Mono Project

The GNOME project goal was to bring missing technologies to Unix and make it competitive in the current market place for desktop applications. We also realized early on that language independence was important, and that is why GNOME APIs were coded using a standard that allowed the APIs to be easily wrapped for other languages. Our APIs are available to most programming languages on Unix (Perl, Python, Scheme, C++, Objective-C, Ada).
Later on we decided to use better methods for encapsulating our APIs, and we started to use CORBA to define interfaces to components. We complemented it with policy and a set of standard GNOME interfaces for easily creating reusable, language independent components, controls and compound documents. This technology is known as Bonobo. Interfaces to Bonobo exist for C, Perl, Python, and Java.
CORBA is good when you define coarse interfaces, and most Bonobo interfaces are coarse. The only problem is that Bonobo/CORBA interfaces are not good for small interfaces. For example, an XML parsing Bonobo/CORBA component would be inefficient compared to a C API.

Thursday, July 15, 2004 - A Byte of Python - Free Python Book / Free Python Tutorial: "A Byte of Python"

Heel goed voor beginners in programmeren
Internet Archive: "The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, hi"

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Eric's Random Writings
Veel interessante schrijfwerkselen