Wednesday, October 13, 2004

OGo Docs - Umlauts in Python XML-RPC Scripts

OGo Docs - Umlauts in Python XML-RPC Scripts: "Umlauts in Python XML-RPC Scripts
Python needs to be tweaked to allow Umlauts ...

Submitted in XML-RPC List by Dr. Martin Korff, thanks!

For those who read the previous mails on this topic, here the summary - which worked for me . Goal: reading, changing, and updating of persons and enterprise involving non-ascii (latin-1) data using python and the

1. Python site configuration: In /usr/lib/python2.3/ change encoding = 'ascii' to encoding = 'utf-8'
2. The relevant lines from the top level script are the following: #!/usr/bin/env python # -- coding: utf-8 --
3. Any new string to be assigned, edited in a iso-8859-1 encoding editor should be declared as python-unicode-string, e.g.

newattrvalue = u'newvaluewithaccents'

Finally it should be mentioned that a custom is needed not only for python2.2 but also for python2.3 since HTTP-Authentication still hasn't made it into the standard library."