Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Python Courseware

Python Courseware: "pyCourse is a web-based course-ware product written in Python. I teach a class on Web Servers at SAIT ( ) and wanted something that allowed for the following:

* News page students can check to find homework due dates, readings, etc.
* File library where I can easily post files I want to share with my students
* Online gradebook. I can enter grades online and students can view them immediatly (and privately). Also like to see class averages for everything.
* Online quizzes. Multiple choice exams which automatically are graded and entered into the grade books.
* Supports SSL if required
* Runs on Windows, Linux, and anything else with Python

So far pyCourse does all of the above. In the future I would like to add things like student file submissions (for assignments) and maybe some forums.

pyCourse was built using CherryPy, a python web application server building package."