Monday, March 14, 2005

UMLGraph - Declarative Drawing of UML Diagrams

UMLGraph - Declarative Drawing of UML Diagrams: "UMLGraph - Declarative Drawing of UML Diagrams
UMLGraph allows the declarative specification and drawing of UML class and sequence diagrams. The current features are part of an ongoing effort aiming to provide support for all types UML diagrams. An IEEE Software article titled On the declarative specification of models explains the rationale behind this approach. The tehnology behind UMLGraph was used to draw many of the diagrams appearing in the book Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective (Addison Wesley, 2003). In addition, Adam Feuer's PyUMLGraph system extends the concept to Python programs. Finally, Martin Fowler writes:

I thought I'd send you a note saying how much I enjoyed discovering UML Graph. I've long fancied a text based way of describing UML diagrams, but never felt sufficiently time-rich to develop anything.

Martin has created a bliki entry describing his ideas of what an ideal textual language might look like."