Yahoo! Widget Gallery
Yahoo! Widget Gallery: "
Play drum over your favorite song. Click on different drums or cymbals to get different sounds, or use the following keyboard keys to play:
[space] - basedrum
[f] - snare
[r] - tom1
[t] - tom2
[y] - tom3
[u] - tom4
[4] - splash
[5] - cymbal left
[8] - cymbal right
[j] - hi-hat
[k] - ride
[g]- cowbell
Check the preference window for more keyboard options."
Play drum over your favorite song. Click on different drums or cymbals to get different sounds, or use the following keyboard keys to play:
[space] - basedrum
[f] - snare
[r] - tom1
[t] - tom2
[y] - tom3
[u] - tom4
[4] - splash
[5] - cymbal left
[8] - cymbal right
[j] - hi-hat
[k] - ride
[g]- cowbell
Check the preference window for more keyboard options."
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