Saturday, March 27, 2004

buzz.opml: "A Cross Platform Outline System for Encyclopedic Notes What if you wanted to carry all your notes, textbooks, pictures and references with you at all times?And edit them anywhere"
Werkt ook goed samen met FreeMind!

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

w.bloggar download, reviewed and rated - post your blogs from SnapFiles: "w.bloggar provides a Windows desktop interface to post your blogs to various online blog services, including Blogger, b2, MovableType, Nucleus, BigBlogTool, BlogWorks XML, B"

This might be a good alternative if you can't use the google toolbar, or use the famous 'Blog This' from FireFox (or alike)..
The GodFather Home Page: "Do you own .mp3 files ? How about .ogg, .mpc .ape or .flac files ? Do you have a lot of them ?If yes, then you probably already know that it is easier to create a chaotic budge of files with"
Het ziet er naar uit dat dit een echte aanrader is!
Blocking Unwanted Parasites with a Hosts File:Up to date list (@ the time of writing anyways) of hosts blocked by the hosts file of windows.
Ghost-It!: is a program that runs in the system tray, and lets you turn windows into "ghost" windows. Ghost windows are special windows, taking advantage of Win2k/XP translucent features.

First of all, a ghost window is translucent, meaning you can see through it to whatever is underneath. Secondly, a ghost window will always appear on top of other windows. Thirdly, when a ghost window loses the input focus, it remains translucent and always on top, but all clicks will pass right through it like it wasn`t even there—until it becomes the active window again. The level of translucency can be adjusted to your preference.
SnapFiles: Enhanced Virtual Desktops :v , Freeware, Updated: 11/30/2003 , 1257 kb 98/ME/2000/XP

Enhanced Virtual Desktop enables you to have up to 9 virtual desktops, that you can switch between from the system tray. If your desktop is cluttered with open documents you are working on, just switch to a new, clean desktop and work on something else - then go back to the other one when needed. The tray icon indicates the desktop you are currently working on, and you can quickly move forward or back, or jump to a selected desktop directly. Additional features include an option to move applications from one desktop to the other, and to show all open applications.

Monday, March 22, 2004

A Cross-Browser DOM Document Wrapper: Handig...

Zowieso ziet de site webreference er wel goed uit.. veel info.. - Tools and XML Learning Tutorials

Met o.a.: veel tutorials. Ook een paar tools en veel links naar andere info.

Thursday, March 18, 2004 Python Software
The mx Extensions for Python are a collection of professional quality Python software tools which enhance Python's usability in many important areas such as ODBC database connectivity, fast text processing, date/time processing and web site programming. For more information, see the download page.
mxNumber - Extended Numeric Types for Python: "Moshe Zadka, one of the Python Core Developers, has been pushing for a new rational number type recently (at the IPC9 conference) and also implemented a proof-of-concept implementation of his rational PEP 239.

Since the GNU Multi-Precision Library (GMP) already has all these number types and also provides what people want most when it comes to numbers: precision and speed, I thought that wrapping these as Python types would be a good idea. I know that Alex Martelli has been working on a similar approach, but that project ( seems to be inactive and I wanted to find out whether the new coercion patches in 2.1 actually make life easier for the extensions writer.

Anyway, even though the GMP is available for most Unix platforms and MacOS, there was no relyable port for Windows. This was a show-stopper for me, so I decided to port GMP to Windows, which was harder than I thought, but well, it's done now. You can get the GMP Windows port from here.
The mxNumber package defines the following number types and implements most interoperability features needed to use these as if they were native Python number types: "

GMPY Project goals and strategies"
The General Multiprecision PYthon project (GMPY) focuses on Python-usable modules providing multiprecision arithmetic functionality to Python programmers. The project mission includes both C and C++ Python-modules (for speed) and pure Python modules (for flexibility and convenience); it potentially includes integral, rational and floating-point arithmetic in any base. Only cross-platform functionality is of interest, at least for now.

As there are many good existing free C and C++ libraries that address these issues, it is expected that most of the work of the GMPY project will involve wrapping, and exposing to Python, exactly these existing libraries (possibly with additional "convenience" wrappers written in Python itself). For starters, we've focused on the popular (and excellent) GNU Multiple Precision library, GMP, exposing its functionality through module gmpy. "

Stopping spam with the Anti-Spam-SMTP-Proxy (ASSP): "It has long been clear to me that the best place to stop spam is at an organization's SMTP server. This is true for the following reasons:
Most spam has an invalid bounce address, so notifying non-delivery simply bounces to Postmaster, creating even more wasted bandwidth. Failing to notify non-delivery is a problem for false-positives. The SMTP server is the only place where spam can be stopped before entering your system.
The only possible feedback for spammers to void an address is from the SMTP server.
Spam that passes through your SMTP server into mailboxes incurs cost to your organization: storage, transmission, backup, deletion -- in all these ways spam costs you money. The only way to minimize cost is to reject it at the initial point. "
SpamBayes: Bayesian anti-spam classifier written in Python.: "The SpamBayes project is working on developing a Bayesian anti-spam filter, initially based on the work of Paul Graham. The major difference between this and other, similar projects is the emphasis on testing newer approaches to scoring messages. While most anti-spam projects are still working with the original graham algorithm, we found that a number of alternate methods yielded a more useful response. This is documented on the background page. "
broadband � News � BIC-TCP - Designing a better protocol: "BIC-TCP Designing a better protocolThe latest 'we've invented something better than TCP/IP' story comes via Tech News World, which outlines the attempts at North Carolina Stat"

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Home - Art of Illusion
Art of Illusion is a free, open source 3D modelling and rendering studio. It is written entirely in Java, and should be usable on any Java Virtual Machine which is compatible with JDK 1.1 or later.

The current version is 1.7.1 [GWORK: @ the time of writing that is], released March 13, 2004. This version is both stable and powerful enough to be used for serious, high end animation work. Many of its capabilities rival those found in commercial programs. Some of the highlights include subdivision surface based modelling tools, skeleton based animation, and a graphical language for designing procedural textures and materials.

EHBW: Eerste Hulp Bij Werk, wegwijzer voor werk, re�ntegratie, ziekte, WAO en arbeidsongeschiktheid
zijn werknemers, werkgevers en werkzoekenden het overzicht kwijt. Wat moet je doen als één van je mensen ziek wordt? Of als je zelf ziek wordt? En wat als je (weer) aan het werk wil? is in het leven geroepen om de weg te wijzen bij de zoektocht naar de juiste informatie. Met de zoekfunctie op deze website kun je zoeken in 200 websites, afkomstig van zo'n 100 instanties: ministeries, vakbonden, werkgeversverenigingen, patientenverenigingen, CWI, UWV en grote particuliere sites. Dagelijks worden de relevante delen van deze websites door de zoekmachine van bezocht en wordt de gevonden informatie opgeslagen.
FCKeditor - The Text Editor for Internet: "This HTML text editor brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of known desktop editors like Word. It's really lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation in the client computer.

As it is Open Source, you are allowed to use it for free wherever you want."
TouchGraph: "TouchGraph LLC"
FreemindWiki FrontPage: "Welcome to a wiki for FreeMind!
This is not FreeMind's official home page, still, it may provide additional valuable information. You might want to look at the homepage first, if you are new to FreeMind: Official FreeMind-Homepage. This is not an official FreeMind site, all the information presented here is without any guarantee whatsoever; especially, it does not present necessarily the views of FreeMind management (Daniel Polansky, FreeMind's director)."

Tuesday, March 16, 2004 - zo werkt het internet, surfen, zoeken en e-mailen
Een heldere duidelijke uitleg over internet, mailen, surfen zoeken etc. Ook handig voor mensen die gesproken woord gemakkelijker vinden, want alles wordt voorgelezen.
Details for Europe /// Internet Traffic Report: "The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections."
What is Ctags?: "Ctags generates an index (or tag) file of language objects found in source files that allows these items to be quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility."

Monday, March 15, 2004

Tranglos software: KeyNote: "KeyNote: Tabbed notebook and personal information manager, with tree structure and strong encryption. Open source. "
Power Tools (Software) Forum - Championing the Best Software: "The aim of the Power Tools Forum is to champion the best software. "
Keyphrene - Naja Homepage: "Naja is a download manager and a website grabber. You can add some plugins (newsreader, FTP client and WebDAV client) and take the control on your downloads since your office"

Thursday, March 11, 2004

The Freenet Project - whatis - beginner: "What is Freenet?Freenet is free software which lets you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this freedom, the network is entire"

Handige recovery links

What Are Fatal Exception Errors


Magicians for PC power users and system administrators!!

BootDisks - PC Support - Essential Utilities

Een hele lading handige tools, info, links , bootdisks etc. etc. etc.

BootDisks - PC Support - Essential Utilities

Een hele lading handige tools, info, links , bootdisks etc. etc. etc.

BootDisks - PC Support - Essential Utilities

Een hele lading handige tools, info, links , bootdisks etc. etc. etc.

Veel informatie over browsers, en hele leuke artikelen.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

: "'''A module that provides persistent dict and list datatypes.

These objects use pickle to do the persistance so generally things will work as you expect. (See the cPickle module documentation).


pdict = persistent dictionary

plist = persistent list

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Home Page - HTMLDOC - Easy Software Products: "
  • Converts HTML files to PDF or PostScript
  • Generates a table-of-contents for books
  • Generates indexed HTML files
  • Generates files on-the-fly for web applications, from the command-line for batch jobs, or from a GUI for interactive work.
  • Runs on most UNIX/Linux operating systems as well as MacOS X and Windows
  • Provides a command-line interface for batch and WWW applications.
  • Provides a graphical interface for interactive work.
Open Source en Standaarden in het Onderwijs: "Programma OSS in het Onderwijs
Welkom op de homepage van het programma 'Open Source en Open Standaarden in het Onderwijs', een gezamenlijk initiatief van de stichtingen Kennisnet en Ict op School.

Doel van het Open Source en Standaarden (OSS) programma is om binnen het onderwijsveld de kennis over open source software te bevorderen en het gebruik van open standaarden te stimuleren. Het programma bestaat nu iets meer dan een jaar en is inmiddels in fase 2 beland.
Fase 1 bestond uit een drietal deeltrajecten, te weten: 'Open Source Standaarden op de desktop', 'Content Management Systemen in het onderwijs' en 'Informatie & Draagvlak'. Grootste verandering ten opzichte van fase 1 is dat er nu gebruik wordt gemaakt van een meer flexibele structuur, waarmee beter is in te spelen op de wensen van de doelgroep. Het gaat hierbij om het loslaten van de strakke driedeling uit fase 1, en meer verschillende deelprojecten op te pakken."

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Open Source Adviesgroep: "Open Source Adviesgroep
De Open Source Adviesgroep is hèt aanspreekpunt voor bedrijven en overheden in Noord-Nederland die geïnteresseerd zijn in Linux en Open Source Software. Of het nu gaat om voorlichting, onderzoek of installatie: u bent bij ons aan het juiste adres.
Open Source begint bij de Open Source Adviesgroep

Wij bieden op onze site gratis een unieke 'Softwarewijzer' aan. Maak er gebruik van en leer wat Open Source Software kan opleveren!
Lees meer...."
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