Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Hamachi : Stay Connected

Google Code

Google Code: "Welcome to Google Code, Google's place for Open Source software. Read the FAQ for more information."

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Webwereld | 'Internetbankieren nog onvoldoende beveiligd'

Webwereld | 'Internetbankieren nog onvoldoende beveiligd': "unique @ donderdag 23 juni 2005, 10:15
Toen ik als een van de eerste ging 'internetbankieren' bij een bank voor boeren-die-willen-lenen was alles koek en ei. Tot ik laatst semi-gedwongen werd een nieuwe gebruikersovereenkomst te tekenen. Die overeenkomst was vrij vertaald 'als er iets gebeurt met internetbankieren dan mag JIJ bewijzen dat het niet jouw schuld was'. Met andere woorden, iemand hackt de bank, haalt 10 miljoen euro van je rekening, en JIJ moet maar bewijzen dat je niet dat bedrag 'gepinned' hebt ?!?! Per direct heb ik dan ook mijn 'totaalpakket' opgezegd. Toen het vrouwtje zeurderig vroeg waarom ik dan niet wilde internetbankieren, 'want het is toch handig en veilig', antwoorde ik dat ik een ICT-beveiligingsbedrijf had en dat ik de woorden handig en veilig niet in �n zin vind passen. Toen ik als een van de eerste ging 'internetbankieren' bij een bank voor boeren-die-willen-lenen was alles koek en ei. Tot ik laatst semi-gedwongen werd een nieuwe gebruikersovereenkomst te tekenen. Die overeenkomst was vrij vertaald 'als er iets gebeurt met internetbankieren dan mag JIJ bewijzen dat het niet jouw schuld was'. Met andere woorden, iemand hackt de bank, haalt 10 miljoen euro van je rekening, en JIJ moet maar bewijzen dat je niet dat bedrag 'gepinned' hebt ?!?! Per direct heb ik dan ook mijn 'totaalpakket' opgezegd. Toen het vrouwtje zeurderig vroeg waarom ik dan niet wilde internetbankieren, 'want het is toch handig en veilig', antwoorde ik dat ik een ICT-beveiligingsbedrijf had en dat ik de woorden handig en veilig niet in �n zin vind passen."

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Python Version

by Allen Downey, Jeffrey Elkner and Chris Meyers"

this is the html version.
Check http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/ for other options.

Main Page - PIDA

Main Page - PIDA: "Hello, and Welcome to the PIDA website!

PIDA is the Python Integrated Development Application. It is an integrated development environment (IDE) written in Python (http://www.python.org/) and the GTK (http://www.pygtk.org/) graphical toolkit.

Pida is essentially an IDE, but one that is slightly different from other IDEs. Rather than attempting to write a set of development tools of its own, Pida uses tools that the developer has available."

I deffinitly want to use this!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

SourceForge.net: Project Info - Fast Python Xmlrpc Library

SourceForge.net: Project Info - Fast Python Xmlrpc Library: "An extremely fast implementation of the xmlrpc spec for Python (written in C). It supports both blocking and non-blocking clients and servers on Windows and POSIX platforms. Version 0.8.1 is 100% compliant with the www.xmlrpc.com validator."

Also, it features an xmlrpclib compatability file :)) but there is no binary available for python 2.3(.5)... So will have to compile either yourself, or ask someone else...

Free C / C Compilers and Interpreters (thefreecountry.com)

Free C / C Compilers and Interpreters (thefreecountry.com): "
Free C/C Compilers and Interpreters

Looking for a free C compiler or a free C compiler? This page lists numerous free C and C compilers, cross-compilers and interpreters for a wide variety of operating systems (including embedded systems)."

Friday, June 17, 2005

GoboLinux - the alternative Linux distribution

GoboLinux - the alternative Linux distribution: "Is it a newbie-oriented distribution?

No, it is not. It is geared towards people who prefer to install applications from the original source packages. That is the main reason why each application gets its own directory: so you can install it from source there and then remove it with an 'rm -rf'. So, you see, GoboLinux is oriented at the experienced user who doesn't like things to be automagical. Our scripts merely automate procedures, but they don't 'make decisions', and whenever they have to, they ask first."

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ubuntu Forums - TESTING Extras: FreeNX Packages

Ubuntu Forums - TESTING Extras: FreeNX Packages: "jdong
05-20-2005, 05:44 AM
I've seen that nxclient doesn't work. That's a known issue atm.

However, the NX Server should work perfectly, as it does on two of my systems. Make sure you go into Synaptic, search for 'nx', and install all relevant packages. Installing 'freenx' does NOT get all the dependencies for you (known bug upstream)

Also, make sure you ran nxsetup --install --clean --setup-nomachine-keys. It may look like APT already does this for you, but it isn't."

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Slax - your pocket os


SLAX is a small bootable CD containing the Linux operating system. It runs Linux directly from the CD (or USB) without installing. The Live CD described here is based on the Slackware Linux distribution and uses Unification File System (also known as unionfs), allowing read-only filesystem to behave as a writable one, saving all changes to memory.

MySLAX Creator 1.3.0 released!

MySLAX Creator 1.3.0 released!

Easily build and config Slax iso images.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Black Eyed Peas - Anxiety

I feel like I wanna smack somebody
Turn around and bitch slap somebody (bitch)
But I ain't goin' out bro (no, no, no)
I ain't givin' into it (no, no, no)
Anxieties bash my mind in
Terrorizing my soul like Bin Laden
But I ain't fallin' down bro (no, no, no)
I won't lose control bro (no, no, no)
Shackle and chained
My soul feels stained
I can't explain got an ich on my brain
Lately my whole aim is to maintain
And regain control of my mainframe
My bloods boiling its beatin' out propaine
My train of thoughts more like a runaway train
I'm in a fast car drivin' in a fast lane
In the rain and I'm might just hydroplaine

I don't fear none of my enemies
And I don't fear bullets from Uzis
I've been dealing with something thats worse than these
That'll make you fall to your knees and thats the
The anxiety the sane and the insane rivalry
Paranoias brought me to my knees
Lord please please please
Take away my anxiety
The sane and the insane rivalry
Paranoias brought me to my knees
Lord please please please
Take away my anxiety

My head keeps running away my brother
The only thing making me stay my brother
But I won't give into it bro (no, no, no)
Gotta get myself back now
God, I can't let my mind be
Tell my enemy is my own
Gots to find my inner wealth
Gots to hold up my thoughts
I can't get caught (no, no, no)
I can't give into it now (no, no, no)
Emotions are trapped set on lock
Got my brain stuck goin through the motions
Only I know what's up
I'm filled up with pain
Tryin' to gain my sanity
Everywhere I turn its a dead end infront of me
With nowhere to go gotta shake this anxiety
Got me feelin' strange paranoia took over me
And its weighin' me down
And I can't run any longer, yo
Knees to the ground

I don't fear none of my enemies
And I don't fear bullets from Uzis
I've been dealing with something thats worse than these
That'll make you fall to your knees and thats the
The anxiety the sane and the insane rivalry
Paranoias brought me to my knees
Lord please please please
Take away my anxiety
The sane and the insane rivalry
Paranoias brought me to my knees
Lord please please please
Take away my anxiety

I don't fear none of my enemies
And I don't fear bullets from Uzis
I've been dealing with something thats worse than these
That'll make you fall to your knees and thats the
The anxiety the sane and the insane rivalry
Paranoias brought me to my knees
Lord please please please
Take away my anxiety
The sane and the insane rivalry
Paranoias brought me to my knees
Lord please please please
Takin' away my anxiety

Graciously ripped from this site

preprocess.py - a (portable) multi-language file preprocessor

This is a variation on the typical C preprocessor to extend it to multiple
languages. Languages for which it works include: C++, Python, Perl, Tcl, XML,
JavaScript, CSS, IDL, etc. Preprocess is usable both as a command line
app and as a Python module.

Here is how is works: All preprocessor statements are on their own line. A
preprocessor statement is a comment (as appropriate for the language of the
file being preprocessed). This way the preprocessor statements do not make an
unpreprocessed file syntactically incorrect. For example:

    preprocess -D FAV_COLOR=blue foo.py

will yield this transformation:

            print "hi there"
# #if FAV_COLOR == "blue"
print "My fav color is blue"
# #else
print "My fav color is red"
# #endif

            print "hi there"
print "My fav color is blue"

And similarly for XML files: See the websitewebsite

Download: Linux source and Windows source. . dunno yet what the difference would be, but it says so on the website :)

Monday, June 13, 2005

MSN filetransfer

Having problems with the msn file transfer?

MSN works with something called MSNFTP (or alike) and the system works 'the other way around'..
At least, it appears to do that. If you want to send a file to someone else, make sure you open both port 6891 and 11178 for incoming connections! (that's the other way around part).. .

It works

w.bloggar F.A.Q.

w.bloggar F.A.Q.: "The w.bloggar is an application that acts as an interface between the user and one or more blog(s); in other words, it is a Post and Template editor, with several features and resources that the browser based blog editors do not offer.

Because w.bloggar runs over the Windows GUI, it allows the user to edit posts without being connected to the Internet. Posts can be saved locally; and anytime the user wants to publish a new text, one click on the w.bloggar icon in the system tray brings up the editor, and one more click will post it to the weblog.

Another great advantage of w.bloggar is that it is compatible with most of the weblog systems available, allowing an advanced user to have only one interface to several accounts hosted on several different sites, using different publishing systems.

To communicate with the weblog, w.bloggar requires that the blog system have implemented an API (Application Programming Interface.) Currently, w.bloggar is compatible with all tools that implements Blogger API, metaWeblog API, MovableType API and b2 API; all based on the XML-RPC definition."



The XML-RPC implementation for COM is an implementation of the XML-RPC remote procedure call mechanism based on XML. This implementation complies with the specifications published on the XML-RPC site. It implements an XML-RPC client that can be called from any COM compliant application and it implements an XML-RPC server that can be used to call objects running on a Microsoft Internet Information Server machine."

Trac Searches

Realy quick searching a trac site:

  1. open the trac site (say, www.cherrypy.org)

  2. search for SEARCH and copy the url (say http://www.cherrypy.org/search?q=SEARCH&wiki=on&changeset=on&ticket=on ) from your location bar.

  3. create a new FireFox bookmark and enter:
    • Name: CherryPy (or what you would prefer for your trac site)

    • Location: paste the location, and replace SEARCH with %s

    • keyword: enter a magic one word keyword here, you will be using this for the search, let's say i'll use cp here. (that's one word: "cp")

    • descrption: you could enter any details, but i think it's obvious :)

  4. Now, open a new tab, and enter the magic keyword, a space, and then your search query (without the quotes of course): "cp installation" or "cp irc", but more practical: "cp FileUplod", "cp CherryPyApi" (direct wikipage access) or whatabout direct access to all tickets by milestone: "cp {3}" (report access) but probabely more usefull while developing: "cp #102" for direct ticket acces...


SourceBrowser: "SourceBrowser
SourceBrowser is a documentation meta-programming tool that generates a wiki representation of a source tree. If that sounds interesting to you, why not take a look at the wiki that the tool generated for itself?"

ASPN : Python Cookbook : "once" decorator

ASPN : Python Cookbook : "once" decorator: "his decorator runs a function or method once and caches the result.

It offers minimal memory use and high speed (only one extra function call). It is _not_ a memoization implementation, the result is cached for all future arguments as well."

xmltramp: Make XML documents easily accessible.

xmltramp: Make XML documents easily accessible.: "New! xmltramp 2.0 with namespace, unicode, all-elements, mixed content, and setting support! Beware: the API has changed to accommodate the new features.

Everyone's got their data in XML these days, and you need to read it. You've looked at the other XML APIs and they all contain miles of crud that's only necessary when parsing the most arcane documents. Wouldn't it be nice to have an easy-to-use API for the normal XML documents you deal with? That's xmltramp:"

Joseph Reagle

Joseph Reagle: "I am releasing a new tarball (and zipfile) of the fe mindmapping bibliographic tools. As explained in Extracting Bibliographies from Freemind, these are python scripts that are able to convert between Freemind mindmaps (using a few simple conventions) and bibliographic formats (i.e., OO.org CSV and bibtex). This approach is preferable to other bibliographic tools with limited/constrained forms for text entry. With fe one has a complete outline/map of texts, with figures, images, tables, links to sites, etc.; one can easily organize texts by topic or in separate mindmap files; and one can generate queries where each matching line has its appropriate citation with year and page number (e.g., 'Giddens'). Unlike many bibliographic tools, it does not query on-line databases, but one can use such tools (e.g., tellico or refworks) to query and generate bibtex bibliographies and then use be.py to convert them to a mindmap."

Friday, June 10, 2005

The LiveCD List

The LiveCD List: "The LiveCD List

A list of all available LiveCDs and LiveDVDs."

QGui - QEMU Launcher

QGui - QEMU Launcher: "QGui - QEMU Launcher"

FreeOSZoo homepage

FreeOSZoo homepage: "Welcome to the Zoo!

With FreeOsZoo, the dream of running several Operating Systems on a single computer comes true.

FreeOSZoo provides ready-to-run images of QEMU virtual computers, pre-installed with a Free Operating System and a set of popular free software. To get started, you only need to install QEMU and download a single file from the FreeOSZoo project.

FreeOSZoo is targeted at end-users, who run proprietary Operating Systems because they are not aware of the existence of Free Operating Systems like GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and other free alternatives. For this audience, FreeOSZoo is the perfect tool for testing an Operating System without modifying their computer."


QEMU: "QEMU Accelerator Module : What is it ?
The QEMU Accelerator Module increases the speed of QEMU when a PC is emulated on a PC. It runs most of the target application code directly on the host processor to achieve near native performance. It is very useful when you want to run another Operating System (for example Windows) on a Linux desktop.

Emulator Typical application slow down
ratio compared to native
QEMU between 5 and 10
QEMU QEMU accelerator between 1 and 2

Currently it is only available for a Linux host running a kernel 2.4.x or 2.6.x.

With the QEMU Accelerator Module, QEMU can be compared to other commercial or free PC Virtualizers. It has the advantage of being free and to achieve good performances while necessitating no specific guest Operating System modifications. No other product has such advantages."

What is FreeTDS?

What is FreeTDS?: "FreeTDS is an open source (or free software if you prefer) programming library, a re-implementation of the Tabular Data Stream protocol. It can be used in place of Sybase's db-lib or ct-lib libraries. It also includes an ODBC library. It allows many open source applications such as Perl and PHP (or your own C or C program) to connect to Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server.

FreeTDS is distributed in source code form, and is expected to compile on just about any operating system. That means every form of Unix� and Unix-like™ system (including notable variants such as Interix� and QNX�), as well as Win32�, VMS�, and OS X�. If it doesn't compile on your system — and you're not using MS-DOS� — it's probably considered a bug."

Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge

Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge: "Unlimited Clients LAN - 1 Server LAN License with one years support & maintenance including product upgrades �699.00 $1,399.00 €1,099.00"




hahahahahaha - that's not "Free as in beer"... :)

pyMPI.sourceforge.net: Putting the py in MPI

pyMPI.sourceforge.net: Putting the py in MPI: "Welcome to the home of pyMPI, a project integrating the Message Passing Interface (MPI) into the Python interpreter. pyMPI is being developed primarily by researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

If you would like to find out more about our project, follow the links on the left to read our Frequently Asked Questions and Features pages."

Gratis versus Libre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gratis versus Libre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Gratis versus Libre is the distinction between no cost and freedom, a distiction not made by the word free."

CUTE User-friendly Text Editor

CUTE User-friendly Text Editor
# runs on unix/linux
# portable to win32 and Mac OS X as CUTE is based on QT
# extensible with python
# supports projects, which can have several configurations(commands, environment vars) and files
# command box for shell and vi-like CUTE commands
# syntax highlighting for C/C++, C#, java, javascript, python, HTML, shell and more
# multi document interface (tabbed or childframe view)
# supports ctags (jumps to definition of marked tag and back)
# can shows tag stack
# search and replace with regular expressions (scintilla)
# text folding (scintilla)
# auto completion (scintilla) from document and tags file
# bookmarks, which are stored in sessions and projects
# unlimited undo/redo (scintilla)
# key macros (definition, saving and loading)
# integrates with external commands such as make and view output
# full screen mode
# can save sessions (files, cursor positions, bookmarks and woking dir are stored)
# supports some themes
# integrated file browser
# shell window


Activities: "TreePad
While working with Qixite, I discovered TreePad, another project which makes use of Borland's Kylix 3 OE libraries. TreePad files achieve a wonderful balance between ease of parsing and expressiveness. Here's a simple parser in python: treepad.py. I've since written several python utilities to transform TreePad files into python programs, wiki pages and Qixite files."

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

M2Crypto - A Python crypto and SSL toolkit

M2Crypto - A Python crypto and SSL toolkit: "M2Crypto is a crypto and SSL toolkit for Python featuring the following:

* RSA, DSA, DH, HMACs, message digests, symmetric ciphers (including AES).
* SSL functionality to implement clients and servers.
* HTTPS extensions to Python's httplib, urllib, and xmlrpclib.
* Unforgeable HMAC'ing AuthCookies for web session management.
* FTP/TLS client and server.
* ZServerSSL: A HTTPS server for Zope.
* ZSmime: An S/MIME messenger for Zope."

Python Cryptography Toolkit

Python Cryptography Toolkit: "The Toolkit is a collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, implemented for use from Python. The current release is 2.0. Among the contents of the package:

* Hash functions: MD2, MD4, RIPEMD, SHA256.
* Block encryption algorithms: AES, ARC2, Blowfish, CAST, DES, Triple-DES, IDEA, RC5.
* Stream encryption algorithms: ARC4, simple XOR.
* Public-key algorithms: RSA, DSA, ElGamal, qNEW.
* Protocols: All-or-nothing transforms, chaffing/winnowing.
* Miscellaneous: RFC1751 module for converting 128-key keys into a set of English words, primality testing.
* Some demo programs (currently all quite old and outdated).

There's a SourceForge project for Python-related cryptography code, the pycrypto project. Use it to report bugs, submit patches, and to get a copy of the current CVS tree. See below for a link to the most recent released version.

A binary distribution for Windows is available from Twisted's contrib/ directory, thanks to Cory Dodt."

ASPN : Python Cookbook : Persistent environment variables on Windows

ASPN : Python Cookbook : Persistent environment variables on Windows: "This script allows adding/modifying/removing environment variables persistently on Windows. It also allows adding entries to the PATH environment variable."

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

pyXMLRPCssh - Python Library providing XMLRPC over SSH2

pyXMLRPCssh - Python Library providing XMLRPC over SSH2: "pyXMLRPCssh is a Python library to provide XMLRPC over an SSH2 tunnel."

paramiko: ssh2 protocol for python

paramiko: ssh2 protocol for python: "paramiko is a module for python 2.2 (or higher) that implements the SSH2 protocol for secure (encrypted and authenticated) connections to remote machines. unlike SSL (aka TLS), SSH2 protocol does not require heirarchical certificates signed by a powerful central authority. you may know SSH2 as the protocol that replaced telnet and rsh for secure access to remote shells, but the protocol also includes the ability to open arbitrary channels to remote services across the encrypted tunnel (this is how sftp works, for example)."